Orangutan Books
My role at Orangutan Books included liaising with the team and creative director to come up with concepts for our personalised children’s books. I received a book plan from the relevant editor and then created the designer’s sketches for the whole book. Once approved, the sketches were sent to the commissioned illustrator. I then selected fonts and liaised with the illustrator to form the final book layout making it print-ready. It was a great collaboration and a gratifying process, extremely creatively satisfying.

Parragon Books
My one-year contract with Parragon Books illustrated my ability to prioritise and manage a busy workload effectively. My principal task was to design and prepare for publication an agreed list of titles. I had to be able to work across a wide variety of brands, understanding new style guides incredibly quickly and efficiently. Passionate about design, I was not afraid to question and put forward my own ideas to improve products. I had to project manage from concept to print: actively problem-solving issues, be they design, schedule or production. Ensuring sales material for these titles was delivered on time, error-free and to a high standard.